Monday, December 18


This 1-minute video produced by the IMB-SBC packs a powerful message. May this piece be used of God to encourage you to continue to pray for the 5.5 billion faces around the world who have yet to hear about Jesus. May He touch your heart this Christmas Season to give liberally towards the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering so that all may hear the story of Jesus.


  1. Guy,

    That is really good!

    Any idea how hard it would be to send that as an attachment to my entire prayer partner e-mail list? I've never done YouTube yet. :^)

  2. Gran edición y aún mejor mensaje.
    Lottie Moon: Una semilla que no cesa de dar brotes.
    Un cálido abrazo.

  3. David,

    It would be a pretty big email in that this 1-minute video is 14MB in size! The best way would be to link it directly to the YouTube site URL here.
