Tuesday, December 5

Week of Prayer for International Missions

This week of December 3-10 has been set aside as a special week dedicated to prayer for international missions. This year West Africa is the featured focus of prayer. The IMB website has tons of helps, activities, videos, resources to aid us all in praying. I encourage you to click on their site and follow some of the links.

One of the couples featured from West Africa are Warren and Sharon Hessling serving in Niger. We were in missionary orientation with them back in the Spring of 1987. Please read the following and pray for them today.
Tuareg of Niger
Pray. “We want to see the salvation of the Tuareg,” Warren says. “This requires undying patience, constant prayer and prioritizing of time, personnel and resources. Pray the Word would touch their lives and give them their identity and their freedom in Jesus.”

Because you give. “The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering provides us a comfortable home and schooling for our son,” the Hesslings say. “It also allows us to keep a supply of Scripture on hand to give away when opportunities arise.”

While some Lottie Moon Christmas Offering funds are spent on vehicles and other ministry tools, 82 percent of the offering is used to support missionary families by providing their salary and benefits.


  1. niger1.com,

    Thanks for your visit. I checked out the two websites you recommend and found them to be full of interesting information about Niger. May God bless your country and may its many peoples come to know the One who loves them and cares very much for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well being.

  2. Desafortunadamente, en Hispanoamérica poco y nada se conoce de Lottie Moon y su sacrificio.
    Que su memoria persista como ejemplo a todas las sucesivas generaciones de cristiamos comprometidos

  3. Guy, I see you often in blogland and didn't know you were a missionary until I came here.
    Dr. Rankin spoke at our state convention in November and it was so inspiring to me personally.
    He spoke from Hebrews 11 "the world was not worthy of them" one of my favorite passages, and one that God has showed me some time ago.
    Tonight, at our Wednesday night prayer meeting, our pastor showed the DVD of Dr. Rankin speaking there again, reminding us that it is our responsibility to go, not only in our community, but to the ends of the earth. Our pastor then linked this plea with our opportunity to give to Lottie Moon.
    We are a small church (150) but we can serve in both places and are praying that God will draw young people from our congregation to serve. In the meantime, we will help there with our resources and here with our time and resources.
    I'm glad I found you and will be praying for you and yours.
    "Blessed are the feet of them who bring good news"

  4. Daniel,

    Esta mañana estuve conversando con liderazgo de la Convención Bautista Ecuatoriana en cuanto a la idea de nombrar su propia ofrenda para misiones internacionales con un nombre apropiado. Carlota Moon es conocida en los EE.UU. pero no tanto en paises latinoamericanos.


    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I too have read your comments on othes blogs. Thank you and your church for your faithful support of missions through praying, giving, and even coming to help at times! I agree with you Dr. Rankin is an inspiring and moving speaker and always love to hear both him and his wife Bobyee when they share missions. We too are small network of house churches, but are seriously looking to send out our first international missionary in 2007. Size of congreation is not as important to the missions task as size of HEART!
