Dear blog reader, friend, family, and prayer partner,
We arrived safe and sound back in Guayaquil this past Monday to begin our 7th term of service. God has been good to us as a family during the ten months we were in Texas. We are grateful to the Bulverde Baptist Church for providing us such a restful place to recuperate and deal with family and medical issues. We are already missing the cool breezes and "the view" from the hill top. I confess we are having a tough time re-adapting to the stifling equatorial heat and our clothes sticking to us all day!
Seeing so many of you over the past months was such a blessing to us. Our only regret is that we weren't able to visit personally with all of you who have so faithfully supported us in prayer over the years. We will especially miss our Thursday night house church family--and those wonderful deer/coon/pig burgers!
Thank you also for all the notes, prayers and support in the recent passing away of Linda's brother, Tom Cowan. As frustrated as we had been at being delayed in getting back to Ecuador, we can now see that the "delay" was a God thing. It was important for Linda and us to be together with her family during this difficult time.
On another note, we have been pleased with the media coverage received of what God continues to do in our midst. Since January, no less than five stories have been released by the IMB and picked up by several of the State Baptist papers for publication. For those who would like to read these inspiring stories of people we work with, click on any of the following linked articles.
Ecuadorian house churches support own missionary
Former gang members reaching Guayaquil with Gospel
Unlikely Ecuadorian church planters prove effective
Jesus: The way off the streets for prostitutes in Ecuador
Former gang leader uses rap to spread the Word
For a more personal word about our feelings in coming back to Ecuador and some of what God did in our lives during our time in the States click on Returning to Ecuador and/or Healing as a process.
While it has been difficult saying good-bye to all of you, we come back to Ecuador with the assurance that the best days of the harvest are still ahead.
Every time you eat a banana (one of Ecuador's main exports) our prayer is that the Holy Spirit would use that banana you are enjoying to remind you to pray for us and Ecuador. Specifically:
--Pray for Linda and myself Colossians 1:9-12
--Pray the Lord of the harvest for laborers (Luke 10:2)
--Pray that God would give us love for the people here
--Pray for safety and protection
--Pray for that our children would follow the Lord whole-heartedly, and become Christ-like in all their ways
Praying for your family!!!1