Saturday, April 25

Powerful Testimony: Byron Garcia "Baby-G"

Byron Garcia is one of the young men in our network of house churches who works with gangs and street kids. His testimony is one of the most powerful I have ever heard of the transforming power of the Gospel to change a life around. So many have been impacted by his story that recently the 700 Club came down and did the following piece for their Spanish-speaking audiences.

Links to previous blog entries (English) relating to Byron and his ministry...

Byron's story

Former gang leader uses rap to spread the Word

Dancing in the rain

Former gang members reaching Guayaquil with the Gospel

This next music video is one of "Baby-G's" best known "hits". I have been in secular concerts with Byron where everyone goes wild when this song starts, that's how popular it has gotten locally. All those participating in the video are kids he has won to the Lord. They live in the environment depicted in the video and use similar musical themes as a way of connecting to those around them living in violence and drug/alcohol abuse. For all of us talking and writing about missional, this is a bunch who are doing it without ever having heard of the term!

Pray for Byron. Along with about 20 other house church leaders, we spent the morning today in a time of prayer and fasting. Byron is going through a tough time and needing a fresh touch of the Spirit in his life. Working with kids coming out of abuse and dysfunctional families is very hard. There are many disappointments in the ministry and discouragement is an ever present enemy. Pray that God would give him a fresh vision and passion for continuing on in the task of reaching a segment of society that nobody else is touching.

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