Just about everyone out there has a life changing gadget, diet or formula for good health and well being. Well, after 45 years, I am finally joining the ranks and will now disclose my own special secret to good health and well-being.
Get yourself a SanDisk Sanza Fuze mp3 player.
That's right. For me it has been the key to healthy living. Seriously!
--I have lost weight
--feel more energetic
--reduced my chronic migraines by 85%
--sleep better at nights and wake up early and refreshed
--feel less stressed
--have not been sick for many months now
--find myself in the best physical shape I have been in since high school
And all this, thanks, to my Sansa Fuze health gadget!
For years I have struggled to exercise, eat correctly, and do all those things we are supposed to do to be healthy. But nothing...repeat...NOTHING has worked, that is, until I bought my portable mp3 player.
Here's my brief testimonial success story (SanDisk ought to pay me a promotional fee for plugging their product like this!)
It all started one day as I was wandering up and down the aisles of an electronics store in San Antonio, TX. I chanced upon SanDisk mp3 players on sale. My two kids and wife already had their own (my wife an iPod) so felt guilty about spending money for a fourth one. But the price was just too good to pass up, so I bought myself a shiny red 4GB Sansa Fuze.
Like most of you reading, I have tried everything over the years with little success and no lasting results to show for all the effort, hunger cravings, sacrifice, and sweat.
I can think of fewer things I hate more than exercising--I absolutely hate every second.
Dieting...well that is a source of marital stress and tension, so that has never worked for more than 2-3 days at most.
Then I went through a phase where I got myself a stationary bike and would watch TV while exercising. The problem with that one is there are just too many commercials on TV and I have zero tolerance for commercials. So then I progressed to watching DVD movies (without commercials), but, that too, didn't work because I don't like wasting a good movie while sweating on a stationary bike. I'd much rather watch a good flick with a large bowl of butter popcorn, Coke, and my easy chair!
So what was it about the mp3 player that has made all the difference?
I LOVE BOOKS...I HATE EXERCISING. (You can probably guess where this is headed.) About nine months ago, I began downloading and listening to audio books (and podcasts) while going for morning walks. I was totally engrossed in the audio content and without even realizing it, was walking 30-40 minutes six days a week.
I have now been following this daily routine consistently for close to a year. It is the only thing I am doing. But the results have been amazing.
Now, to be honest, my secret success formula for good health is no rapid weight-loss plan. I have only lost an average of about 1 pound per month, but I FEEL so much better, have a lot more energy, and have lost more weight than all the combined efforts of the previous 20 years!
Lately I have tried to do something about the eating side of things. Dieting and low-fat eating are just not my cup of tea. I love my sweets, fried foods, snacks, carbs, etc. But what I have begun doing, though, is eating LESS of all these yummy things. Instead of 4 slices of pizza, it's now two. Instead of six panes de yuca, I stop after enjoying four.
The net result has been dramatic--at least for me. I am thinking about writing a book, "How to lose a pound a month and feel great by doing nothing more than listening to audio books!" The $19.95 sticker price could help finance some of our missions projects. Who knows, maybe it could even surpass Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Life" (which by-the-way is on my list to download!)
So, what works for you? What do you do for good health? Do you have a secret the rest of us could benefit from?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it is working for you. I ride my bike to work year-round. It is 5.5 miles each way, so I get a nice workout, plus it is a time to meditate, think, pray, and listen to God.
Guy - Glad to hear the good news.
ReplyDeleteabout your health and exercise.
I do a lot of walking now myself.
You asked, “So, what works for you?”
The greatest thing I did for my health
was “walk” in agreement with Jesus.
Can two “walk” together, except they be agreed?
Amos 3:3
And it had to do with me loving me;
just the way Christ loves me
accepting me, appreciating me and
respecting me. Just the way I am
strengths and weaknesses
and character defects and all.
When you ask folks;
On a scale of 1% -100%
How much does God Love you?
Most folks answer; Oh, 100%
Then ask them;
On a scale of 1% -100%
How much does Guy love Guy?
How much does Guy accept Guy?
How much does Guy appreciate Guy?
How much does Guy respect Guy?
The number is often something less than 100%
and they are not in agreement with Jesus.
Over the years of praying for people
it seemed a lot of sickness and disease
started with a broken heart.
People were either not loving God,
not loving another person,
not loving themselves.
People were either not forgiving God,
not forgiving another person,
not forgiving themselves.
And when ye stand praying, forgive,
if ye have ought against any:
Mark 11:25
The reason I’m e-mailing and blogging.
(started March 09) is to let people know
there is a complimentary e-book and website
“God’s Words of Comfort & Healing” at:
That’s what I do.
I consult with people who have a broken heart.
I consult and pray with people who
have sickness and dis...ease
caused by a broken heart.
Please check out the site and
let me know what you think.
psst... there is a free download for
your mp3 player.
Be Blessed and be a blessing.
umm...cough...clears throat...you are ....."getting up early"?
ReplyDeletejps--WOW, 11 miles/day! And if I recall you run races barefooted? Yes, I would agree you get a pretty good work out everyday! :)
ReplyDeleteAmos--Really nice website and content. For many years we worked in a counseling ministry here in Guayaquil that sought to implement many of these same concepts. The ministry continues but I no longer take an active role. BTW, I looked everywhere on the site for the free mp3 download, but was unable to locate it. Help!
Dearest--Maybe not as early as you do (who gets up at 5am?), but you'd have to admit...a lot earlier for me than ever before!
Guy - The mp3 download is really there.
Go to "The Words" page. (above) You'll see,
God's Words of Comfort & Healing -
Audio and Text
You'll also see ten (10) topics of scriptures
important in the healing process.
Prayer - Healing - The Word of God -
Faith - Love - Mercy - Trust - Joy -
Forgiveness - Comfort
You can listen and read at the same time.
That's kind of tuff when you're walking.
Scroll down a little and you'll see
"To download 10 audio files to iTunes"
Click on the subscribe button and it
automatically downloads to iTunes.
If you don't have iTunes, just click on
the iTunes logo for a free download.
Be blessed as you "Walk" with Jesus.
Dear Guy:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip. I listen to music, but love to read. I've never listened to an audio book, as I love the printed page...but life back in the States has greatly altered my waistline! (LOL)
I've been having more trouble finding time to read, as well. Maybe this is the answer needed.
Thanks again. May the Lord continue to use you.
ReplyDeleteMission completed! I was able to download the 10 audio files and look forward to listening.
I too enjoy a good book in hand, and still prefer the printed page when it comes to non-fiction to be able to highlight and write notes in the margin. But when walking, I have really enjoyed listening to novels. In a few days I will probably post a few of our recent favorites.