Sunday, July 19

The best way to start a church is to start a church

It's funny the things one remembers from the people the Lord brings into our lives over the years. Back in the mid-70's, while getting a music degree from the University of North Texas, I was active in our local church choir at Grace Temple Baptist Church. Terry Fansler was an extraordinary church musician, conductor and mentor. But what I remember most from Terry was his refrain, "the best way to have a great choir is to have a great choir." I have never forgotten those words.

These words can be applied with equal weight to just about any worthwhile endeavor, including church planting.

The best way to share the Gospel? Share the Gospel!
The best way to make disciples? Make disciples!
The best way to start a church? Start a church!

It seems a lot of our failure to obey the commands of Christ (and here I am speaking more personally of myself and our team's ministry) is rooted in our thinking if we can just somehow get people together in a room and tell them how to do something, they will do it.


I know, because this is what we have been doing now for the past 10 years and it just doesn't work...well, actually a few do catch on to the ideas (the ones I usually end up blogging about!), but they are a small percentage.

Personally, I think we have some of the best contextualized church planting materials and methodology being used in Latin America. But the "best" means nothing unless implemented. What is missing?


Desire may be there, but if there is no real intention of going out and planting a church, a church will not be planted.

I may desire to lose 20 lbs. Believe I need to lose 20 lbs. Feel convicted about losing 20 lbs. Pray about losing 20 lbs. But I will never lose 20 lbs. until I actually start by losing those first few pounds on my way to losing 20 lbs.! You have to do it, to do it.

Embarrassingly, it has taken ten years of continuous training/teaching to finally begin to figure this out. Well meaning believers flock to our trainings throughout the year. But the truth of the matter is that very few really intend to actually plant a church. It doesn't matter how good the trainers are, how wonderful the materials made available, or how much one might affirm or believe what is being taught IF THEY DO NOT PERSONALLY INTEND ON BEING AN INSTRUMENT IN THE LORD'S HANDS TO PLANT A CHURCH, THEY WILL NOT PLANT A CHURCH.

So, where do we go from here?

In our case, we have resolved that we will continue to train anyone for ONE MONTH to expose them to the concepts of Jesus' Luke 10 methodology, start them praying for their lost friends/family, help them identify men of peace, begin to love/serve/minister those they are seeking to reach, teach basic evangelism/discipleship tools, etc.

But after one month, it is DECISION MAKING TIME. Do it now, or don't come back. The only way to plant a church is to get out there and intentionally plant a church. Those who do start at least one group (what we initially call an outreach group), we will continue to train/mentor/coach. Those who don't? Well, Dios te has been fun...see ya around...thanks for your time...chao (good-bye!)

Does this sound too harsh? Un-Christlike? Too much like the business world? How did Jesus respond to the undecided, wavering, excuse-making disciples in Luke 9:57-62?

As they were going along the road, someone said to Him, "I will follow You wherever You go." And Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." [that guy never appears again in the pages of the NT] And He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father." But He said to him, "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God." [Jesus leaves this guy standing by the road and moves on] Another also said, "I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home." But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." [Not fit? Sounds pretty harsh and to-the-point to me. I don't think Jesus was able to use this guy either!]

What do you think about these things? What has been your experience in training church planters? If you have personally experienced a better way to start churches (not something you might have read in a book, but something you have actually done and it works), THEN PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH US. We would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Guy, this documentary may be of interest... It's called "What is Simple Church" ... it's at

    thanks for the thoughtful writing!

  2. Hello Guy,

    I've been reading your blog periodically for the past year or so and appreciate your insights and simplicity when talking about Church. My wife and I live and minister in Arequipa, Peru, and have for the past three years, and we actually "planted" a church without really trying. That is, in the midst of other activities people came to the Lord and, tada, a/the Church. We have been thinking, praying, and practicing through many of the same dynamics in Church/Missionary Life you discuss on your blog. My question would be this - what defines a church plant? My understanding of church - after 8 years of missinary work in South America - is this: "wherever two or more people (disciples) get together to do kingdom of God business, there you have church, God's people. I know that seems very broad and there are many "how to's" that one could ask, but I have found that working from the "make disciples" command outward produces church, and that doing kingdom business is what defines God's people. Our church family in Arequipa, shares meals together, prays together and for one another, and we have actually sent out a number of people to other cities and to the USA as ambassadors of the kingdom. I look forward to eharing your thoughts!


  3. Scott,

    Thanks for the link. I am watching it as I write! Did you put this together? Very nicely done!


    Good to hear from you and blessings on you and your wife there in Peru. I found it interesting to hear about some of your experience with planting a church there.

    You ask, what defines a church plant? I have made an attempt to answer this very question here. Since it's been awhile since this was posted, I may just repost it. I think it is a good question you bring up.

  4. Hi Guy

    Jane and I are about to move to a new area of the UK. We are going to prayer walk our new area (Gillingham, Kent)and look for a POP and see if we can start making some disciples.

    I will no longer be a Vicar. My paid work will be "Mission Growth Team Leader" for the Diocese of Rochester. This will involve me in advising churches on Mission and Growth, promoting "Fresh Expressions of Church" and helping churches to plant new congregations in areas of new housing.

    We will keep you posted of how we get on. I may even resume blogging!

  5. Ross,

    Good to hear from you again. Sounds exciting to hear where the Lord is taking you! Wish you all the best in this new phase of ministry. Would love for you to resume blogging again to follow your journey in the coming months.
