Wednesday, August 5

In order to do more, we must do less

I recently received this timely email from fellow church planter Gail Graves...

Greetings all in the name of Jesus. I am reviewing notes from my time of prayer and fasting in the first 40 days of this year. I came across a note that I wrote down that applies to Christian workers who work hard. Some times we get so busy that we hardly have time to pray. Here is the note, "In order to do more, we must do less." You can decide who the source of this message is for yourself. I have spent most of my adult life working hard and encouraging others to work 'for the night is coming.' Most Christians need to work at it more and put more effort into the Kingdom. If some did less, it would be nothing at all. But for those of us who are focused and work hard, the note may be for us. "In order to do more, we must do less." All, all, all the battles of the Kingdom are won in prayer. Of course we must put feet to our prayers, but still the battles are won in prayer.

Your brother,


  1. One early write said something like, "I have so much to do today that I must spend at least 3 hours in prayer." John Hyde was rebuked by his colleagues for praying as much as 10 hours a day. That is, until he began winning more in 2 hours than the others won in days of ministry. Charles Stanley has a private prayer chamber off of his office where he often stays before the Lord as much as 8 hours. This is the "less" we must learn to do.

  2. Kevin,

    You are exactly right about the "less" being the "more" we must learn to do if we are to move God through prayer. I wonder, how did these guys do it? Were they that desperate? Oh, that we would be that desperate!
