Wednesday, September 30

A few personal notes and prayer requests

Today, Wednesday, Sept. 30 is my wife Linda's birthday. If you'd like to drop her a note you can do so by leaving her a note on her blog A Foreign Life. Thank you for praying for her. I am most blessed to have such a special lady as my wife!

Thursday, Oct. 1, Linda and I will be headed off to Asia (October 1-20) for a worldwide gathering of missionaries and church planters to: 1) repent of our man-made strategies and definitions for missions, 2) to hear God together on how He wants us to mission/network together, and 3) based on the results of what we hear God say, to repent and reform and be in line with the revelation He gives. Sounds like a unique kind of gathering, wouldn't you say?

*Pray for Linda and I to be in tune with the Lord to what He has to say to us during our trip. Pray for our safety in travel, health during the trip, and making all the connections we have to make in getting there!

*Pray for our Anna as she goes to Quito to be with my sister Gail Smallwood and family during the three weeks that we will be gone.

*Pray for our son Joshua in Seguin, TX. His birthday is October 1 and will be turning 18 this year. Pray that God would continue to be at work in his life and in his heart to conform him to the image of Jesus. Pray also for my mom and dad to have the stamina and energy to keep up with a teenage grandson always on the go!

*Pray for our continued safety. This past week we had two accidents while on the road. One was on the way home Saturday evening from the new church being planted in Vernaza. While no one was hurt, our car is in pretty bad shape.

Thank you for your faithful praying. One of my favorite quotes is "Things happen when we pray, that don't happen when we don't pray."


  1. The LORD is Guy & Linda’s shepherd;
    and Guy & Linda shall not want for anything, ever.
    The Lord God makes Guy & Linda to lie down
    in green pastures and live in peace:
    The Lord God Almighty leads Guy & Linda
    beside the still and refreshing waters.
    The Lord Jesus is restoreing Guy & Linda’s soul:
    The Lord Jesus leads Guy & Linda
    in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
    Yea, though Guy & Linda walk through
    the valley of the shadow of death,
    Guy & Linda will fear no evil:
    The Lord Jesus is with Guy & Linda today and always;
    Your rod Lord and your staff they comfort Guy & Linda.
    You Lord prepare a table before Guy & Linda always,
    even in the presence of their enemies:
    You have anointed Guy & Linda’s head with oil;
    Guy & Linda’s cup runneth over.
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow Guy & Linda
    all the days of their life: and Guy & Linda
    will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

    Have a blessed trip.
    The Lord be with you.

  2. Amos,

    That Psalm sounds mighty familiar to me, can't quite place where I've heard it before! :)

