Wednesday, August 24

Things I am in the process of learning

Be faithful in the little things. God will accomplish much through my small acts of obedience.

Thoughts are sub-conscience prayers. Be aware of what I am praying.

What is not given is lost. What am I hanging on to that ought to be given away?

One negative comment packs more power in someone's life than a dozen positive remarks. I need to be very careful how and what I communicate with others. If unable to build someone up, it is better to remain silent rather than use words to tear someone down.

Confront problems, hurts, misunderstandings, and mistakes as soon as possible. Don't allow Satan to carry out his agenda of rejection, suffering, division, fear, and pain.

What does God have to say about it? It is not about me deciding everything and doing things as I deem best. If He is Lord, he is lord of ALL, including the things I think I can handle on my own without his input.

This is the day the Lord has made. I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. This is a choice I make daily.

John the Baptist said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Who is actually increasing/decreasing in my life? Am I moving in the right direction?

Seek first His Kingdom. Does this thing seek to advance my kingdom or His Kingdom?

Charles Swindoll writes that life is 10% what happens and 90% how I react to what happens. Am I focusing more on what has happened, or how I am reacting to what has happened?

Mother Teresa wrote, "Slowly I am learning to accept everything just as He gives it." Am I learning to accept all things without complaining and whining, understanding that it is God who allowed it?

Excellence is in the details. Attention to details is one of the ways I best worship God who is worthy of my best.

People come first. Everything else falls in line behind people.

We are blessed to be a blessing (Psalm 67). Am I using my blessings to bless others?


  1. Thanks! There are some wise words in there. For me today I will chew a bit longer on this truth "This is the day the Lord has made. I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. This is a choice I make daily."

  2. Guy,

    Wise words, indeed! I haven't enough time left, having passed my allotted three score years and ten, to learn what I need to learn, much less what I want to.

    Anyone who thinks they have learned all that God would have them learn, hasn't learned much.

  3. Jonathan and John,

    Thanks to you both for stopping by. All these are things we are in the PROCESS of learning, and still have a long way to go in making them a full reality.
