Sunday, October 23

Blog sabbatical

Thanks to all who stop by and read the "M Blog". For a while I will be taking a blog sabbatical. Please check back occasionally. I do hope to resume writing again soon.


  1. I know you aren't blogging, but just in case you stop in. Have you heard of this "movement":
    From what I have read and heard it is really effective. We are going to start adapting and trying some of it here in Pachuca, Mexico. God Bless!
    Greg & Vicki Syverson

  2. Greg,

    Yes, we are well aware of T4T and just returned from a 4-day conference with the authors of the T4T book earlier this month. T4T isn't a movement, but a discipleship process. We have been using various elements of T4T for several years now.

  3. Greg & Vicki Syverson10:01 AM, December 31, 2011

    That's great to hear. Its so many ways we feel we are playing "catch up" in this process, but we have such a hard time convincing our national leaders of these "new ideas". Prayer, prayer and more prayer!

  4. God bless you brother Guy, my name is Abraham Prado, I don't know is you remember me, but I remember you. So glad to hear notice about you and your missionary work in Guayaquil.


  5. Greg & Vicki Syverson3:32 PM, February 28, 2012


    Our team here just read the T4T book and went through a couple of days of informal training. We are interested in seeing what you have done with the T4T materials if anything. Do you have anything translated? What does the "process" look like in your work? We are eager to do something "different" that will actually lead to a CPM and so far we have not been successful using JUST the Organic Church/Simple church, etc. concepts. T4T seems to help pull all those ideas together...but we would love to see how someone has implemented these ideas in a Latin American culture. Blessings to you in your ministry!

  6. Greg,

    If you can send me your email, I will send you some of the materials we are currently using that are our version of T4T in Spanish.

  7. Greg,

    If you will send me your email address I will be happy to share what we use here in Ecuador that are based on the T4T process.

  8. Greg & Vicki Syverson10:05 AM, February 29, 2012

    Thanks so much! I sent you an email.

  9. Guy,
    just checked your blog again, cause I wanted to see when your sabbatical would be over - and Hooray - it's October.
    I hope you're coming back. Your voice on the blog is missed.
    David from Germany.
