Thursday, October 10

What does Scripture actually say about the church, the Bride of Christ?

One of the most common questions I am asked in church planting training is: at what point do we start taking the new believers to church? This question always frustrates me, but I understand the paradigm struggle many face with house churches being "real churches."

The response I am tempted to give is, "what I hear you asking is at what point do we stop making disciples, and allow them to just start attending church services?" Of course, I bite my tongue before saying this, but it reflects the difficulty we have of understanding the who, what, when, where, and why of the true nature of the New Testament ekklesia.

A large percentage of the legacy church planters we train see house churches as yet another way to reach people for Christ and grow their church. The real goal in people's hearts is, 1) win people to Christ, 2) get them into our church. House fellowships are merely a stepping stone to help grow existing churches.

Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart...Scriptures like Acts 2:46 only reinforce the conviction that church took place in the temple. Houses were merely where Jerusalem believers ate and fellowshipped. Back to our original question...

The standard response we generally give is to try and briefly explain our understanding of what Scripture teaches about the church, the Bride of Christ.

1) Romans 16:5, 1 Corinthins 16:19, Colossians 4:15, Philemon 2 describe churches as meeting in homes. This was the standard. The norm. Small groups meeting in homes allows not only them, but us, to minister personally to one another. Special church buildings, programs, services, and crowds didn't show up onthe scene until several hundred years later.

2) Ephesians 2:19 teaches we are "fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household..." We are truly family. Families take care of each other, watch out for each other, and some 50+ other "one anothers."

3) Acts 2:42 teaches that continuosly the church engaged in at least four primary activities: 1) devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching, 2) to fellowship, 3) to the breaking of bread, and 4) to prayer.

4) I Corinthians 14:26 describes what they were instructed to do when they gathered: "When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification." Everyone is encouraged to participate and bring something of edification to the gathering. Church is not a spectator sport where only a few perform and the rest are spectators.

5) Hebrews 10:24-25 teaches us the reason for gathering, " and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." The main reasons we are admonished to gather is to, 1) stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 2) encourage one another. If our gatherings do not encourage and motivate us to truly love one another and perform good deeds, then something is out of line and needs to be corrected.

There are many other passages that relate to the who, what, when, where, and why of the church. A few that amplify and describe the above in greater detail are I Corinthians 11-12-13-14, I Peter 2, Acts 2:42-47, and I Timothy 3.

If any existing church is able to closely mirror these values and characteristics, then by all means, feel free to encourage those young disciples to be part of such a church. But if not, we strongly encourage church planters to not try and short-circuit the task by handing them off to a church that is something other than a true NT ekklesia as described in Scripture. In those majority cases it is best to focus on continuing to make disciples, baptize those disciples, meet with those disciples in their homes, and teach those disciples to observe all that CHRIST commanded.

What do you think?


  1. Great article Guy. Thanks for all those verses on church. You can make a seminar of this. Right on!

  2. Thanks for this Guy. This is very much along the lines of what we're doing in the UK. Personally I'd say the 1 Cor 14:26 passage isn't an instruction but an observation - what to expect might happen when you gather - but that's just a minor point.
    Great that you're teaching this stuff to planters!

  3. Steve and Anon.,

    Thanks for stopping by and for the comments! Would love to visit you all someday there in the UK, Steve!

  4. A thought I have been thinking about is that when a new believer is born again, to see their own home as a place for planting a new fellowship. Each new believer has an oikos or network of family and friends. This new believer is a man of peace to reach into these other homes that are already connected by blood or friendship to share the good news with them. A separate group of believers is not really necessary to bring them to. It may be better to bring other believers to the new believers home for fellowship and building. This way the new believer sees his own home and network as a basis for building God's kingdom.

  5. Tim,

    You are exactly right. Instead of extracting people out of their natural surroundings and transplanting them into our own church environments, we should as much as possible see new believers as launching pads to reach their own friends, family and oikos.

  6. Hey Tim,
    Did we play volleyball when we went to WBBC?
    John Gallegos

  7. I like this! Our family enjoys meeting with others in homes on a rotational basis.

    What I am concerned about is that an extreme view of only meeting in houses, because we consider this to be the norm, might cause us to lose out in other areas that were also Biblical and effective for ministry.

    On one occasion, Paul chose to use a hall for the ministry he had in Ephesus and he effectively used this venue for two years.

    “But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation (synagogue), he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus. This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks. And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them…many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices” (Acts19:9-12,18).

    If anyone is interested, I have some thoughts on this on a post of mine at


  8. Goerge Rudesill, church historian agrees
