Sunday, May 20

We need more "ten2b" praying

Last week we finished a 7-week COSECHA (Harvest) training for new church planters. To date four new outreach groups have been started and are well on their way to becoming churches very soon.

Two of these are "Pedro and Patricia" who were featured in my recent post, House Church Double Wedding.

This coming Tuesday, May 22, we begin a new round of church planting training. We need more "ten2b" praying (Luke 10:2b) for laborers! Again, we ask you to beseech, beg, plead the Lord of the Harvest to call out workers into the ripe and ready harvest fields of Guayaquil. Pray that the Lord would strongly burden those He has chosen to be his instruments in winning the lost, discipling the new believers, and planting New Testament churches.

You who are reading today play a crucial role in the heavenlies with your prayers. The enemy will try to distract, make difficult, and divert the attention of those the Lord is calling out. Pray that nothing will keep those He is calling out from responding to the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" May dozens respond on Tuesday, "Here am I. Send me!"
--BTW, He just might be calling you as well!

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