Over the past months here in the USA, we have traveled, visited, eaten great food, seen beautiful country, met wonderful people, and had many wonderful experiences. But of all the places, my favorite has been right in our back yard in Bulverde, Texas.
"My spot" is located about 100 feet behind the mission house where we are staying. Our "home away from home" is located on the top of a hill on about 11 acres of land. Trees are everywhere. To be able to sit under their shade, under clear blue skies, feel the cool breezes whispering through the branches, and spend time with the Lord is about the closest thing I have gotten a Garden of Eden experience in many years.
We are very grateful to the Lord for providing this beautiful place to rest, recharge, reflect, and prepare ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to return to the mission field. This has been a good time for all our family. We are thankful for the Bulverde Baptist Church graciously providing us this wonderful place to stay while we are here in the USA.
In S. Baptist life, the week of Nov.30-Dec.7 is observed as the
Week of Prayer for International Missions. In all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season upon us, I would invite you to find your own special "spot" and pray for a world in need of the Savior. There are plenty of
resources available to help you and your church intercede for international missions.
Don't know where to start? Try clicking one of the links above, or just start praying for missionaries along any of the following lines from a site found
Specifics to pray for missionaries:Health and safety objectives
* Protection for the missionaries from accidents, crime, natural disasters
* Protection for the missionaries from sickness
* That missionaries will find time for proper sleep, rest, and exercise
* That missionaries' food and water needs will be met
Spiritual watch care objectives
* Times of intimacy for missionaries with Jesus in Bible, prayer and worship
* Shielding for the missionaries from dark forces in spiritual realms
* Preservation for missionaries from discouragement, fear, and doubt
* That missionaries will demonstrate purity, humility, boldness, wisdom, patience, love for people, a teachable spirit and the power of the Holy Spirit
Teamwork objectives
* That teams of missionaries will experience and express unity, love, good communication, patience, and spiritual gifts
* That missionaries will resist temptations toward jealousy, envy, bitterness, and pride
* That missionaries will be granted grace for cultural adjustments, dealing with jet lag, being away from family and friends and lack of privacy. [ more on culture shock ]
* For missionaries to have wisdom to design and implement effective efforts that will make a long-term difference here . . . and that they will be able to establish and maintain a solid friendships with government officials and other leaders in their chosen land.
BLESS -- an acronym to guide your prayer for missionaries or a people group
B - Body
Pray for physical health and nutrition.
L - Labor.
Pray for their work.
E - Emotions.
Pray for emotional health and well-being of the missionary or people group.
S - Social.
Pray for their social relations, their families and extended families.
S - Spiritual.
Pray for their spiritual condition.
If you took a moment to pray, would you be so kind to drop us a note in the comments? We would like to return the favor, so please mention something we can pray for you...and thanks!