Talkers know all the right doctrines and believe the right things and do a lot of TALKING about what everyone should be doing.
The doers usually are not as bright or as learned as the talkers, but somehow seem to get around to DOING the very things the talkers are talking about.
Luke 9:57-10:20 is a passage we use frequently in our teaching/training. In these verses Jesus has little to say to the talkers (see vs. 9:57-62), but a lot to say to the doers (vs. 10:1-20).
Talkers are usually the ones holding the microphone. Doers are usually the ones sitting in the corner trying to figure out what it is the talkers are talking about.
Saturday night I was again teaching from Luke 9:57-10:20. I was the assigned talker holding the microphone. It was very hot. More than 150 people were crowded in a tiny, windowless room. There were no fans, and the mosquitoes were merciless. Even so, I was annoyed that several of the, mostly rural, illiterate people present, seemed sleepy, bored or distracted to what I had come to talk to them about.
As the meeting broke up, and we were about to make the long drive back home, I was called back inside where a group of people were still seated. There sat one of the supposed offenders who had annoyed me with their sleepy, half-closed eyes as I was sharing my "pearls of wisdom."
I soon learned the unassuming brother had been responsible for bringing scores of people to the Lord. He works hard six days a week on a small rural farm. Every spare moment being given to reaching his lost friends, family, and neighbors to the Lord. That evening he had brought several people to the meeting to hear the special invited talker--me. Since I had failed to "give an invitation" at the end of my talk, he was rightly concerned that those returning home with him be dealt with spiritually.
I realized in that instant I was a talker. He was a doer.
I committed to come back and talk some more to help the doers learn what they needed to do.
In my own life and ministry, I have made the conscious choice to try and give 80% of my time and energy to the DOERS, and 20% to my fellow TALKERS. Both doers and talkers are part of the Body of Christ. Both are to be loved and respected. Both have a role in the Kingdom.
Are you a doer or a talker? If you are a doer, we'd like to talk to you about coming to help us do what needs to be done here in Guayas. Seriously!
Thank you, Guy, for sharing this.
I am a talker, who God graciously
enables to help doers to do their
work more fruitfully.
God lovingly melts my heart when
I am around these precious sheep,
who are not usually well educated
or polished, but are Doing the work
that I talk about. It is a privilege
to serve them. Thanks for the time
you put into this blog.
Try not to be so hard on yourself for being a talker. Jesus did a lot of talking. So did Peter and Paul. Any worker whom God enlightens with the "why" and "how" as well as the "what" will need to give time to sharing with others. Don't you think that teaching is now your primary assignment from God? I know you think you should do the work yourself, but isn't the kingdom better advanced by your sharing yourself with many others? Thank God for the doers. May they also become talkers some day.
Thanks for stopping by and for a good word. I guess a lot of frustration is that there are too many of us talkers and not enough doers. More and more we gather to hear someone talk, but then go about our lives as usual. Of course, we need both the talkers and doers, but I'd rather have a team of doers any day over a team made up of talkers!
P.S. Please reread the next to last sentence. We're serious about wanting you and those churches you relate to, to partner with us!
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