
After reading these shared lessons, I want to get a copy of the book!
- Great leaders motivate people by seeing and retelling compelling stories that relate to the vision to which they are committed
- A leader rarely changes a person; he/she simply figures out how to get the best results out of who they are, and who to team them with for the greatest productivity
- Leadership analysts tend to focus on how leaders articulate their ideas; yet leaders more often succeed because of how effectively they listen than because of their speaking prowess
- The world is increasingly complex and challenging: leaders help make sense of the world, often by reducing the complicated and misleading to a simpler, logical understanding
- Individuals who are popular pander to public opinion; genuine leaders expect to become unpopular, choosing to do what’s right and necessary rather than what’s expected and safe
- The probability of success increases if the focus is on the outcomes rather than who gets credit for those results
- If you are not clear about your vision and values, and passionate about the corresponding convictions and goals, success is not likely
- No leader is the “complete package.” There will be times when the chief leader must allow other leaders to provide direction under given circumstances to compensate for the chief leader’s weaknesses
- Leadership is a collaborative process; it’s less about what the leader does than about what he/she facilitates through others
- Great leaders recognize that all people have great worth; the leader’s task is to maximize their delivery of the unique value each person brings to the party
- Leaders get what they measure and what they tolerate
- All great leaders believe they have a moral responsibility to take care of people
- Do not attempt to lead people unless you are prepared to pay a significant emotional, physical and spiritual price
The key, of course, is applying this shared wisdom and not just nodding my head in agreement. This kind of leadership is rare indeed, but needed more than ever. Which of the above lessons speaks to you? Which catches your attention?
Hi Guy
"Great leaders motivate people"
That's great for 501 (c) 3, non profit,
tax deductible, religious corporations.
Corporations and businesses need great leaders.
But the ekklesia? The Church of God?
The "called out one's" already have a great leader.
His name is Jeaus
Isaiah 3:12
As for my people,
children are their oppressors,
and women rule over them.
O my people, "they which lead thee"
cause thee to err,
and destroy the way of thy paths.
Isaiah 9:16
For "the leaders of this people"
cause them to err;
and they that are led of them are destroyed.
Jeremiah 50:6
My people hath been lost sheep:
"their shepherds" have caused them to go astray...
Jesus took the time to tell his disciples
not to be called master/leader. Mt 23:10
The Interlinear Bible-
Nor be called leaders,
for one is your leader the Christ.
Phillips Modern English-
you must not let people call you leaders,
you have only one leader, Christ.
Today's English Version-
nor should you be called leader.
your one and only leader is the Messiah.
The Amplified-
you must not be called masters ( leaders )
for you have one master ( leader )
the Christ.
We've had "Church leaders" for 1700 years.
How are we doing so far? Oy Vey!!!
I believe all the "Disciples of Christ"
called themselves "Servants of Christ."
Leader is a high place.
Servant is a low place.
Thanks for the comments. The way I see it, servant leadership is, and has always had a role in amongst the "called out one's". The difference is in how they lead. Jesus is our role model for servant leadership and speaks plenty in the Gospels about the kind of servants we should be. There is little doubt that in this arena there is much abuse by so called "leaders", but that doesn't take away from the fact that there are those within the Body who "lead" out by their example, maturity, wisdom, insights, and courage.
So Sorry Guy
I have this thing about "Leaders."
Some being “Leaders” means some are “followers.”
And we have seperation. Yes?
Some are greater then others.
I have seen the dangers and abuse of
"Titles," of "Pastors," and of "leaders."
Spiritual abuse for both the "leader"
and those “being led” by a man.
If all of the “Disciples of Christ” in the Bible
refered to themselves as “Servants of Christ;”
Why isn’t that good enough for us?
My experience with “leaders” and
being in “leadership” shows me...
Everyone who assumes the position of “leader,”
No matter how loving, eventually...
No matter how humble, eventually...
No matter how much a servant, eventually...
will “exercise authority” and “lord it over”
God’s precious sheep.
That’s always the beginning of “spiritual abuse.”
Leaders = lord it over = abuse = always.
AAhhh! Now "Servant/Leaders."
Can't find that term in my antiquated KJV Bible either.
That sounds real good.
But every “Servant/Leader” I’ve ever met
“eventually” assumes the postion of
“Leader” over all the lowly “servants.”
Because “eventually”...
“Servant/Leaders” = lord it over = abuse = always.
Jesus tained His disciples to be “servants,”
NOT leaders.
Jesus is the only leader. And the best. Yes?
And other sheep I have,
which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring,
and they shall hear my voice;
and there shall be one fold,
and one shepherd.
John 10:16
One Voice- One Fold - One Shepherd.
If Not Now; When?
Be blessed.
In His Service. By His Grace.
I hear what you are saying about the dangerous tendencies of leaders to abuse and control, yet Scripture seems to indicate that leading, shepherding, and caring for the flock of God is there. 1 Pet.5:1-5 is one such passage where elders are exhorted to shepherd the flock voluntarily, yet not lording over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. I don't have a problem with leaders; I have a problem with leaders who abuse their leadership.
You write...
“1 Pet.5:1-5 is one such passage where elders
are exhorted to shepherd the flock voluntarily,
yet not lording over those allotted to your charge,
but proving to be examples to the flock.”
Sounds good, but I’ve never seen it work that way.
Always, always, always, “eventually” they
“exercise authority” and “lord it over” and abuse.
Just give someone the “Title” elder and leader.
And it becomes, Oh Lord,
where did this 800 pound gorilla come from?
That was me by the way. [ ; o )
And “elders.” Oy Vey!!!
Oh, does the Bible say, “elders” = “leaders?”
If you want to promote having “elders,”
then you have to promote having “qualifications.”
Can’t have “elders” without “qualifications.” Yes?
I spend my time promoting the qualifications.
If you want to have some fun, try it.
Lot's of "gnashing of teeth" and personal attacks.
Those who have "Titles" also have power, profit, prestige, recognition and reputation, and don't like
dissenting opinions. Do they?
Why did Paul give qualifications if not important?
Ever meet anyone who fulfills the qualifications?
An overseer, elder, “Must be”...
That “must be” is the same Greek word as
...You “must be” born again. John 3:17
Seems to be a small word but very important.
It’s Strongs #1163, die. - It is necessary (as binding).
Computer - necessity established by the counsel
and decree of God.
Bishops “must be.” Hmmm? Very important or...?
Blameless... How important is this word?
Webster’s - Without fault; innocent; guiltless;
not meriting censure.
Synonyms - faultless, guiltless, innocent,
irreproachable, spotless, unblemished.
Computer - that cannot be reprehended,
(cannot be, rebukable, reprovable, cannot find fault)
not open to censure, irreproachable.
Strongs #423 - anepileptos
inculpable, blameless, unrebukeable.
How many, who honestly examine themselves,
seriously considering these qualifications,
can see themselves as blameless, without fault
and thus qualify to be an overseer, elder?
And if you can see yourself as blameless;
Is that pride? And no longer without fault?
The Bible talks about bishops, and elders.
And qualifications for bishops and elders.
Can you have one without the other?
This is only one of many qualifications.
Check these out to see who qualifies for “elder.”
**blameless --- unrebukeable, without fault.
husband of one wife --- married, male.
rules well his own house --- have a family, children.
not greedy of filthy lucre --- Not greedy for money.
vigilant --- no excessive wine, calm in spirit.
sober --- of a sound mind, self controlled.
of good behavior --- modest, unassuming, reserved.
no striker --- not quarrelsome, contentious.
not a brawler --- abstaining from fighting.
not self willed --- not self pleasing, not arrogant.
not soon angry -- not prone to anger.
temperate --- having power over, restraining.
**holy --- undefiled by sin, free from wickedness.
**just --- righteous, virtuous, innocent, faultless.
“having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly”
faithful --- believing, one who trusts in God's promises.
not accused of riot --- Strongs - asotia --- unsavedness.
an abandoned dissolute life, lost to principle.
unruly --- disobedient.
if someone thinks they qualify?
Is that pride and thus NOT without fault?
The Bible talks about elders and qualifications for elders.
Can you have one with out the other?
I love and promote these qualifications
especially when someone thinks they have
the “postion” and “Title” of “elder/leader.”
I just can’t find “one” person who can live up to
“Blameless”- “Holy” - “Just.”
Can you?
I hear what you are saying, and will allow you to have the "last word" on the matter. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here on the M Blog.
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